Contact us

Get In Touch

Get in Touch with Kalimah: We’re always eager to hear from you! Whether you’re a writer looking to contribute, a creative soul seeking collaboration, or simply have a question or suggestion, our door is open.

Feel free to drop us a message using the form below, or reach out via our email. We are here to listen, collaborate, and grow together. Let’s make Kalimah a space where creativity, community and culture flourish


For Contributors

If you are a Muslim woman or a woman from a marginalised community with a story to tell, a poem to share, or insights to offer, Kalimah welcomes your contributions. We believe in the power of diverse voices and are committed to providing a platform for your unique perspectives. Please reach out to us with your submissions or ideas for content. Our team is ready to guide you through the submission process and help bring your words to our community.


For Collaborators

Kalimah is more than just a platform; it’s a growing community of creative minds. We are always on the lookout for collaborations that can bring new dimensions to our project. Whether you’re an artist, podcaster, web developer, or have other creative skills, we would love to hear from you. Collaborations are the heart of innovation, and together, we can create something truly impactful