“O Allah, we do not question Your judgement.
We endure, but we are human and weak.”
Author note:
In one week, I had seen all of these clips on my Instagram. But there are so many more. So many I have saved so I can look back and remind myself of my brothers and sisters and their suffering.
This has been going on for too long.
Eight months. Eight months of clicking and swiping and liking and sharing. Seeing bloodied corpse upon bloodied corpse. Children screaming for their parents. Parents burying their babies. Babies wailing for food and water. Food and aid stamped and blocked by ugly, cruel settlers. Ugly, cruel world leaders denying and denying and denying that this is a genocide. This is a genocide, this is a genocide, this is a genocide, this is a genocide, this is a genocide.
How many times do we need to say it?
It is a genocide. 36, 050 killed. 81,026 wounded. Over 10,000 buried under rubble. More than 17,000 children without a parent.
May Allah give the Palestinians strength as they grieve for the lives stolen from their beautiful homeland. May Allah grant them freedom from their awful oppressors. May Allah raise those who have been murdered and martyed in the highest of Jannah–tul–Firdous.
And may Allah never let us forget our brothers and sisters in Palestine. May He make us continue to write and fight and donate in their cause.
May He keep us united as an Ummah as we march and shout for the freedom of Palestine.
Ameen Ya Rabb.
**Editor’s note**: Since this was submitted, the numbers have increased. We are now in the 13 month of the genocide of the Palestinian people, with over 40,000 dead, hundreds of thousands injured, and over a million displaced. Don’t stop talking, writing & praying for Palestine.
1 comment on “A collection of grief”
Beautifully written Fatima, made me very emotional, you have captured the pain experienced by so many in Gaza, we will not forget their pain, as simply must not forget.
May Allah help them and may we recognise them for the unwavering tawakul they have on Allah SWT